- 副教授,华中科技大学,经济学院,2018-现在
- 助理教授,首都经济贸易大学,国际经济管理学院,2015-2018
- 博士,美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University),2015
- 学士,中国人民大学,2009
- 文旷宇, 郑始潮和王耀璟, (2024+).
《统计研究》, 录用待刊.
- K. Wen. (2023). “A semiparametric spatio-temporal model of crop
yield trend and its implication to insurance rating”.
Agricultural Economics. 54(5), 662-673.
- K. Wen, W. Wu and X. Wu. (2023). “Electricity Demand Forecasting and
Risk Management Using Gaussian Process Model with Error Propagation”.
Journal of Forecasting. 42(4), 957-969.
- S. Wang, Y. Li and K. Wen. (2021). “Recursive adjusted unit root
tests under non-stationary volatility”. Economics
Letters. 109941.
- K. Wen, X. Wu and D. Leatham. (2021). “Spatially smoothed kernel
densities with application to crop yield distributions”.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental
Statistics. 26: 349–366.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Generalized empirical likelihood based
kernel estimation of spatially similar densities”. In M. Chen, J.M.
Dunn, A. Golan, and A. Ullah, editors, Advances in
Info-Metrics. Oxford University Press.
- S. Wang, A. Li, K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Robust kernels for kernel
density estimation”. Economics Letters,
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Transformation-kernel estimators of
copula densities”. Journal of Business & Economic
Statistics, 38(1), 148-164.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2019). “A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit
test with application to income distributions”. Econometrics
Journal, 22(3):207-222.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2017). “Smoothed kernel conditional density
estimation”. Economics Letters,
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2015). “An improved transformation-based kernel
estimator of densities on the unit interval”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 110:773-783.
- 许艳芳, 张伟华和文旷宇, (2009).
《管理世界》, S1:103-109+133.
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《管理案例研究与评论》. 2(04):223-236.
Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, Empirical Economics, Statistica Sinica, Scandinavian Journal
of Statistics, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Computational
Economics, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, PLOS ONE,
Agribusiness, Electric Power Components and Systems, International
Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Agricultural Economics,
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71703108),“海量概率密度函数的核估计及其在政策性农作物保险上的应用”,2018,项目负责人,已结项(绩效评估为优)。
- 华中科技大学自主创新基金文科青年项目(2019WKYXQN058),“收入型农业保险定价中copula函数的估计”,2019,项目负责人,已结项。
- 华中科技大学自主创新基金文科专项任务项目(2022WKYXZX012),“高维生产前沿函数的半参数估计及其在评估我国经济生产效率上的应用”,2022,项目负责人,已结项。
- 华中科技大学人文社会科学重大原创性成果培育项目(2022WKFZZX023),“基于期权的远期概率分布及其在识别和管理我国经济风险上的应用”,2022,项目负责人,在研。
- 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2023AFB1113),“空间面板数据联合概率密度函数的非参数估计”,2023,项目负责人,在研。
- 高级计量经济学(本科);2023-;
- 计量经济学专题研讨(博士生);2021-;
- 计量经济学(双学位);2022-;
- 高级计量经济学(学术型硕士);2018-2023;
- 线性代数(经济学院暑期学校);2020-2021;
- 金融建模与计算(专业型硕士);2019-2022;
- 计量经济学(留学生);2018-2021;
- 公司金融(硕士);2016-2017
- 公司金融(本科);2016