Welcome to my personal website! I am an associate professor in
School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. My
research field is econometrics.
Working Experience
- Associate Professor, School of Economics, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology, 2018-present
- Assistant Professor, International School of Economics and
Management, Capital University of Economics and Business, 2015-2018
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 2015
- B.A. in Financial Management, Renmin University of China, 2009
- K. Wen. (2023). “A semiparametric spatio-temporal model of crop
yield trend and its implication to insurance rating”.
Agricultural Economics. 54(5), 662-673.
- K. Wen, W. Wu and X. Wu. (2023). “Electricity Demand Forecasting and
Risk Management Using Gaussian Process Model with Error Propagation”.
Journal of Forecasting. 42(4), 957-969.
- S. Wang, Y. Li and K. Wen. (2021). “Recursive adjusted unit root
tests under non-stationary volatility”. Economics
Letters. 109941.
- K. Wen, X. Wu and D. Leatham. (2021). “Spatially smoothed kernel
densities with application to crop yield distributions”.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental
Statistics. 26: 349–366.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Generalized empirical likelihood based
kernel estimation of spatially similar densities”. In M. Chen, J.M.
Dunn, A. Golan, and A. Ullah, editors, Advances in
Info-Metrics. Oxford University Press.
- S. Wang, A. Li, K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Robust kernels for kernel
density estimation”. Economics Letters,
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2020). “Transformation-kernel estimators of
copula densities”. Journal of Business & Economic
Statistics, 38(1), 148-164.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2019). “A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit
test with application to income distributions”. Econometrics
Journal, 22(3):207-222.
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2017). “Smoothed kernel conditional density
estimation”. Economics Letters,
- K. Wen and X. Wu. (2015). “An improved transformation-based kernel
estimator of densities on the unit interval”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 110:773-783.
Refereeing Activities
Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, Empirical Economics, Statistica Sinica, Scandinavian Journal
of Statistics, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Computational
Economics, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, PLOS ONE,
Agribusiness, Electric Power Components and Systems, International
Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Agricultural Economics
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (71703108), PI,
- Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2023AFB1113),
PI, 2023.
Teaching Experience
- Advanced econometrics (undergraduate level), 2023-;
- Frontiers in econometrics (doctoral level), 2021-;
- Econometrics (for dual-degree undergraduate students), 2022-;
- Advanced econometrics (master level), 2018-2023;
- Linear Algebra (summer school), 2020-2021;
- Financial modeling and computation (master level), 2019-2022;
- Econometrics (for foreign students), 2018-2021;
- Corporate finance (master level), 2016-2017;
- Corporate finance (undergraduate level), 2016.